What is the best food dehydrator? There is no single best dehydrator since there are so many models on the market. Basically, size, temperature range, and timer are the three main factors to consider. If you do not dehydrate much, a compact and low-priced option such as the Hamilton Beach can be a good choice, if you don’t mind a smaller appliance. For frequent cooks, you might want to consider larger and more expensive options.
- Price range, of course, is one of the most important features. Most of the best food dehydrators fall in the medium price range, starting at around $100. Consumer reviews, of course, give the price range a different spin. Some people might be looking for the best value, but others may be looking for value with functionality. There are pros and cons to each price range, but the average person can probably find a dehydrator to meet their needs, from a basic model to a high-end model.
- Size and temperature range are two more important factors that must be considered, along with whether you plan to use the machine outdoors or inside a cabinet. You can buy smaller, more portable units that can fit on a countertop or a tabletop. These are good for individuals who frequently make healthy dehydrating meals, as they take up less space and take up less storage space than larger, bulkier models. However, many dehydrator trays can hold up to twelve cups of food at different temperatures, so check to see how many cups the machine has the capability of holding before you purchase.
- A big factor is how much room you have for the dehydrator itself and how long the drying process takes. If you are drying a lot of large pieces of fruit or larger amounts of vegetables, this will be an issue regardless of which type of unit you choose. Food dehydrating can be a time-consuming process, especially if you want to preserve the freshness of your foods for later use. Smaller pieces of fruit can fit into most trays. Vegetables can fit in some, but larger pieces may need a bigger tray or be prepared ahead of time to prevent them from being crowded out by other items.
- An important feature to look for is whether the food dehydrator has an automatic timer, which will turn off the heating element when the timer expires so you can concentrate on preparing the next dish. The best ones have a delay between the actual time the food is dehydrated until it reaches the desired moisture level, then turn the timer back on so it continues to heat up until the moisture level has been reached again. Some models have a timer that can be manually programmed or may come on automatically with the touch of a button. These are good dehydrators that should be found in every kitchen.
The average size for a dehydrator is six inches by six inches, but any size will work well as long as it is not too large for the space where you plan to keep it. Other features to look for are whether the unit has adjustable temperature control, whether the food can be preheated before using and whether it has a self-cleaning feature. In addition, take note of whether the nesco garden master model has a warranty and what the price range is. While it is impossible to figure out how much you will pay for a particular model, you will be able to determine what brand and model will fit into your budget more easily. Look at more than just the brand name, and look at how many watts it can handle, the size and the depth of the pan, the size and weight of the tray, and whether or not it comes with a built-in fan or if it requires one.